Virginia Eastern Shore Land Trust

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DiscoverEE: Elementary students learn outside with simple activities

With the many challenges students, teachers, and parents faced in 2020, informal educators saw a need to lend teachers a hand, meet students where they are, and provide printed educational activities. Printed activities address the internet connectivity challenge and the digital burnout so many are experiencing in the age of endless Zoom classes and meetings. The activities also “support place-based, student-centered, and outdoor learning, all of which have been found to positively impact all learners,” said Cora Johnston Baird, Site Director for UVA/LTER.

Read the full article in Citizen for a Better Eastern Shore’s November 2020 Shoreline.

By providing physical activities that can be picked up at different locations the hope is that any family will be able to find a spot close to where they are to get outside and learn relevant content in science and beyond,” said Jenny Miller, Preserve and Education Manager at TNC’s Volgenau Virginia Coast Reserve. You don’t have to go to a large park to learn about nature: “Wherever you can find access will work, whether that is a vast field or forest, a tiny backyard, or your grandmother’s garden,” explained Johnston Baird.

DiscoverEE activities are simple, geared toward elementary learners, supplement classroom learning, and reinforce learning standards. Students can pick up an activity anytime with new activities added every other week. Many of the activities are designed to be broad and adaptable so they can be completed more than once. Currently, activities can be found at the Chincoteague Island Trail, ESO, and the libraries (Accomac, Nassawadox, and Cape Charles). Activities are also available to download above. Students can share their work with #DiscoverEEonESVA.