Artists Reception
From left to right: Sarah Morgan, Carol Upshur, Arthur Upshur, Meriwether Payne, Susie Brown, Timmy Brown, Hali Plourde-Rogers, Laura McGowan, and Allison Swan kick off Paint the Shore with a reception for the artists. Photo by Susan Harris

Sarah Brown Clark
Sarah Brown Clark poses with her paintings (right) at Paint the Shore exhibit and reception November 12, 2021. Photo by Susan Harris

Cheryl Cochran Leonard
Cheryl Cochran Leonard painting on Folly Farm, a 355 acre easement protected by VES Land Trust. Photo courtesy of Ted Leonard

Cheryl Cochran Leonard, Ted Leonard, and Laura McGowan
Artists Cheryl Cochran Leonard, Ted Leonard, and Laura McGowan at the Paint the Shore exhibit and reception November 12, 2021. Photo by Susan Harris

Carrie Jacobson
Carrie Jacobson painting on Folly Farm, a 355 acre easement protected by VES Land Trust. Photo courtesy of Carrie Jacobson

Ted Leonard and Laura McGowan
Ted Leonard, winner of Artist's Choice Award, with Laura McGowan, winner of People's Choice Award at Paint the Shore exhibit and reception. Photo by Susan Harris

Laura McGowan with Nandua Middle School Students
Laura McGowan assists 8th Grade students painting en plein air at Nandua Middle School. Student artists displayed their work alongside professional artists at the exhibit and reception. Photo by Sarah Brown Clark

Laura McGowan
Laura McGowan poses with her paintings (right) at Paint the Shore exhibit and reception November 12, 2021. Photo by Susan Harris

Nandua Middle School students
Eighth grade students paint en plein air at Nandua Middle School. Student artists displayed their work alongside professional artists at the exhibit and reception. Photo by Sarah Brown Clark

Hali Plourde-Rogers, Ian Lewis, Karen Terwilliger
VES Land Trust Executive Director, Hali Plourde-Rogers with Ian Lewis People's Choice Student Award runner-up and Karen Terwilliger, VES Land Trust President at Paint the Shore exhibit and reception November 12, 2021. Photo by Susan Harris

Ellen Sinclair
Ellen Sinclair paints at Cherry Grove Farm, a 222 acre easement protected by VES Land Trust. Photo courtesy of Ellen Sinclair

Allison Swan
Allison Swan poses with her paintings (left) at Paint the Shore exhibit and reception November 12, 2021. Photo by Susan Harris

Brinkley Preserve, Carrie Jacobson
Carrie Jacobson’s completed painting with pallete and subject matter in the background. Photo courtesy of Carrie Jacobson.
Cara Burton Paints at Granger Farm
Photo courtesy of Cara Burton.
Nickawampus, Elizabeth Rhoades
Elizabeth’s painting at Nickawampus in progress with subject matter in the background and pallete in the foreground. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Rhoades.

Seaview Farm, Camden Whitehead
Camden painted several watercolors at Seaview Farm. This photo shows one of his paintings still in the notebook.
Photo courtesy of Camden Whitehead.

Custis Farm, Ellen Sinclair
Painting of Custis Farm in progress with subject matter in the background. Photo courtesy of Ellen Sinclair.

Nandua Middle School Eighth Grade Paints Outside
Student artist shows off her palette. Photo courtesy of Sarah Brown Clark.

Nandua Middle School Eighth Grade Paints Outside
Students paint under the picnic shelter at NMS. Photo courtesy of Sarah Brown Clark.

Nandua Middle School Eighth Grade Paints Outside
Students painting en plein air at NMS. Photo courtesy of Sarah Brown Clark.

Nandua Middle School Eighth Grade Paints Outside
Student painting in progress with palette visible. Photo courtesy of Sarah Brown Clark.

Nandua Middle School Eighth Grade Paints Outside
Students paint en plein air at NMS. Photo courtesy of Sarah Brown Clark.

Hanging the Show
VESLT staff, board, and artist volunteers hung the art show at Historic Onancock School.

Hanging the Show
Artist Ted Leonard adjusts a painting with help from Artist Cheryl Cochran Leonard and Board member Meriwether Payne.

Hanging the Show
Board members, Hank Badger (right) and Meriwether Payne (center), talk with Stewardship Manager, Arthur Upshur (left).

Hanging the Show
Board member Hank Badger and Stewardship Manager Arthur Upshur help set up easels and student artwork.

Hanging the Show
Executive Director Hali Plourde-Rogers and Artist Julie McGowan discuss where to hang paintings.

Seaview Farm, Camden Whitehead
Medium: Watercolor, Location: Seaview Farm
Photo courtesy of Camden Whitehead.

Granger Farmhouse, Cara Burton
Medium: Acrylic, Location: Granger Farm
Photo courtesy of Cara Burton.

Nickawampus Farm, Carrie Jacobson
Medium: Oil on black canvas, Location: Nickawampus
Photo courtesy of Carrie Jacobson.

Oyster Song, Cheryl Cochran Leonard
Medium: Oil, Location: Nickawampus
Photo courtesy of Cheryl Cochran Leonard.

View of Back Creek, Elizabeth Rhoades
Medium: Oil, Location: Willow Cottage
Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Rhoades.

Brinkley Meadows, Ellen Sinclair
Medium: Oil, Location: Brinkley Preserve
Photo courtesy of Ellen Sinclair.

Cows at Nickawampus, Julie McGowan
Medium: Acrylic, Location: Nickawampus
Photo courtesy of Julie McGowan.

Oyster Shack View, Laura McGowan
Medium: Oil, Location Nickawampus
Laura won the People’s Choice Award.
Photo courtesy of Laura McGowan.

Come Sit Awhile, Margaret Bradach
Medium: Watercolor, Location: Custis Farm
Photo courtesy of Margaret Bradach.

Twisted Tree, Sarah Brown Clark
Medium: Acrylic, Location: Custis Farm
Photo courtesy of Sarah Brown Clark.

Long View, Ted Leonard
Medium: Oil, Location: Corratock
Photo courtesy of Ted Leonard.

Morning on the Creek, Val Parnell
Medium: Oil, Location: Corratock
Photo courtesy of Val Parnell.
Jordyn Daley with her painting "Pale Woods"
Jordyn is an eighth grade student at NMS. She won the Student People’s Choice Award.

Pale Woods, Jordyn Daley
Medium: Acrylic, Location: NMS
Jordyn won the Student People’s Choice Award.
Arianna Donahoe with her painting "Rocky Rainbow"
Arianna is an eighth grade student at NMS. She won the Student Artist’s Choice Award.

Rocky Rainbow, Arianna Donahoe
Medium: Acrylic, Location: NMS
Arianna won the Artist’s Choice Award.

The Shooting Field, Airelin Yanez
Medium: Acrylic, Location: NMS

Plein Air, Amy Gonzalez
Medium: Acrylic, Location: NMS

Blue Sky, Chrismalie Alcids
Medium: Acrylic, Location: NMS

Forest, Emanise Fenelon
Medium: Acrylic, Location: NMS

The Shed, Christian Escalante-Velazquez
Medium: Acrylic, Location: NMS

The Garden, Iliodophe Lauture
Medium: Acrylic, Location: NMS

The Outdoors, Jah'Rell Robinson
Medium: Acrylic, Location: NMS

Sunshine Shadow, Jasmine Simmons
Medium: Acrylic, Location: NMS

Stands in the Trees, Julio Jimenez
Medium: Acrylic, Location: NMS
Mikeal Martinez Shipe with his painting "NMS at Night"
Mikeal is an eighth grade student at NMS.

NMS at Night, Mikeal Martinez Shipe
Medium: Acrylic, Location: NMS

Normal Day, Milagros Gomez
Medium: Acrylic, Location: NMS

Blue Soccer Field, Romeo Lopez Lopez
Medium: Acrylic, Location: NMS

Plein Air - Dark Sunshine, Za'mara Jones
Medium: Acrylic, Location: NMS