Virginia Eastern Shore (VES) Land Trust, a local non-profit that assists landowners with voluntary permanent land preservation, announced today it has achieved renewed accreditation.
The Virginia Eastern Shore Land Trust held the second Picture the Shore contest and art show this fall. Students from Nandua Middle School, Broadwater Academy, and Northampton High School participated with Professional and Amateur Photographers from the community.
“Our revised logo more clearly represents our mission of protecting property by highlighting features such as agriculture, habitation, waterways, wetlands, buffer strips, trees and shrubs. We especially want to emphasize the beauty and benefits of our easement donors living on and with the land,” said David Turner.
The Virginia Eastern Shore Land Trust (VESLT) held its biennial Paint the Shore event this fall. A group of 17 artists painted en plein air on conservation lands under easement with VESLT, culminating in a November reception and art exhibit. This fall Nandua Middle School Eighth Graders were also featured during Paint the Shore.